
History Proves Women Will Endure—and We Will.

I’d like to start this article with an honest and sincere question: “Ladies, how are you doing?”

As we upon the ninth month of the pandemic in the U.S., I ask this question truly concerned for the mental, emotional and physical well-being of women, who, as studies have shown, are disproportionately affected. If you’re reading this and are fortunate enough to say that you’ve not been directly affected, I kindly say to you, you are not excluded—all women are impacted, one way or another.


Though there are many ways in which times of crisis expose the vast gender inequality and imbalance in our society, here are a few of examples specific to our current situation. According to The Bureau of Labor Statistics, 55% of the 20.5 million workers who became unemployed in April were women, compared to 13% of men. Women make up 70% of the healthcare workforce and are being infected with Covid at higher rates, impacting their health and families. Working women are quitting their jobs to home school children at higher rates compared to men, impacting their income levels and careers well beyond the pandemic. And, the safety of women is at stake due to the rise in domestic violence cases in the U.S. and around the world.


I know, this is very discouraging. As if the challenges we battle on a regular day weren’t enough, a crisis, like this, has a way of handing us even more than we can possibly handle. But, as history has proven time and time again, women are extraordinarily resilient and have an innate power to channel challenge and despair into action and tangible change.

In honor of the three awareness holidays that take place annually in October that are important to me (National Domestic Violence Awareness, Hispanic Heritage Month, and National Book Month) I bring you this list of astounding women who have faced immense challenges and crisis head-on, in hopes that you find some inspiration in their stories, as I have.

• Erin Pizzey – Though she is still largely unknown, Erin holds a key role in the women’s movement. She opened the first women’s shelter, providing women refuge from violent relationships in England in 1971.

• Frida Khalo – Before becoming one of the most famous Latinas in history, Frida’s life is a story of strength, motivation and female ambition. After enduring a grueling accident that nearly took her life and caused her lifelong disability and pain, she continued to blaze the way for women during and beyond her time.

Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo

Ida B. Wells – Born into slavery, Ida became a prominent journalist and activist during her time, shedding light on the plight of African Americans in the South, advocating on behalf of women, and standing up in the face of sexism, racism and violence.

Ida B. Wells

Ida B. Wells

Sylvia Rivera – A Venezuelan, Puerto Rican transgender activist from New York, Sylvia was a leading voice, advocating on behalf of transgender people, drag queens, homeless queer youth, and others who were dismissed by the mainstream gay rights movements.


So, woman to woman, if you’re struggling, you’re not alone. As the women–who I’ve listed here, among countless others–have proven, we have the ability to overcome. Let us find strength and inspiration in their tenacity, as their ability to endure has changed history for the rest of us.

Article originally posted HERE

Three Reasons Why It’s Time to Retreat and Reconnect.

Throughout history, women have come together to support each other in an array of intimate facets of life, ranging from fertility cycles to emotional and physical healing. However, as society grew, we grew apart. The idea of individualism took over and caused a detrimental wedge among us that negatively impacts our ability to thrive and nurture our well-being. And as a result of this disconnection, we are left feeling depleted, overwhelmed and longing for reconnection.


As I write this, I can’t help but reflect on the fact that I am in exactly this state. I cannot remember the last time I was alone with myself and my thoughts. And like most women I know, it is not often that we get – or take- the opportunities to reconnect with ourselves and others, which is why, as I write this, I am simultaneously Googling wellness retreats for women. And, there are so many to choose from.


The recent surge in the female-driven wellness and self-care movement has reignited our natural inclination to unite and engage in restorative, healing practices and seek solace from the monotony of our daily lives. So, if you’ve been on the fence about booking that retreat, here are three reasons why you shouldn’t wait any longer:

  1. We NEED time to rejuvenate – Whether we are parents, professionals, partners, friends, siblings or a combination of all of these, we tend to get overwhelmed with our obligations to others, leaving no time to replenish the energy we give.

  2. We NEED to connect with other women – Sisterhood doesn’t have to be biological. Sisterhood represents a connection we establish with our fellow females. A retreat is a great way to meet and bond with women who are on the same, if not very similar path as you.3

  3. We DESERVE it – We can always find reasons to neglect our self-care. If you have ever said “It’s too expensive,” “I have to take care of (partner, kids, parents, etc.),” “I just don’t have time,” “I’m so busy,” you have put yourself aside for far too long, and a getaway just may be what you need.


As we continue on our journey of self-care, I find it inevitable that a resurrection of the female connection to each other and ourselves will continue to emerge. Women of today cannot afford to keep-on-keeping-on the way we’ve been: overworked, overstressed, overlooked, overprescribed, and overwhelmed. We have no choice but to regain control over our health and well-being and reestablish our connection to other like-minded women.

Article originally posted HERE

‘I Love Being A Woman.’

I love being a woman. It has taken me over three decades to understand the power that being a woman epitomizes, but now that I am aware and continue to develop my sense of womanhood, I fully embrace it in all its glory.


Yes, periods and cellulite suck, and it is overwhelming to be expected to adhere and abide by all of the rules, standards, expectations, and roles that are assigned to us by others and society; but there is nothing more divine than being a woman. We are educators, caregivers, communicators, relationship developers, life sources, and liberators. We are mothers, sisters, partners, friends, and pillars of support; we are a force to be reckoned with.


In honor of International Women’s Month, I would like to share the four reasons why we should all be proud to be women. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done on a larger scale to support us in our existence, but to establish personal empowerment and cultivate the state of mind that we are worthy begins with us.

  1. Perseverance – Women throughout history have regularly broke barriers, pushed boundaries, and continued to strive for equality and justice in the face of great adversity. It is because of this determination that progress has been made.

  2. Strength – No strength compares to that of a woman. The power we embody to endure the physical pain of childbirth to the emotional strength we have to overcome suffering, violence, and discrimination and remain a source of strength for those closest to us, now that is strength.

  3. Passion – And I’m not just talking about in the bedroom. Passion has been a characteristic that has been negated by society, when in fact it should be fostered. To be passionate means you have a strong belief in something, and when you have unwavering faith, action follows. As the saying goes, “well-behaved women rarely make history.”

  4. Nurturers – Whether we choose to have children or not, our tendency to nurture is intrinsic. This quality enables us to establish connections on deeper levels, whether it be with nature or others and supports healthy emotional and social development.


There are many more reasons why I love being a woman and these four are just a snapshot. Each one of us embodies what it means to be female in our way, and that is our right. Society doesn’t have the right to dictate our womanhood and men don’t either. It is us that determine what it means to be a woman, and there is no one size fits all. So, in conclusion, I would like to say to all the women, past and present, who have dedicated their lives to our advancement, given their lives to the support of their children and others, and those who have lost their lives because of their womanhood, we honor you today and every day.

Article originally posted HERE.

Live Your Truth: Five Reasons Why the Truth Prevails.


We have all lied.

Studies show that Americans average around 11 lies per week. And, if you read this and say you don’t, well, that is a lie.

Now let’s be honest. We have all lied for different reasons. We have lied to save ourselves from the consequences of our actions. We have lied to those close to us for the sake of preserving their feelings. We have lied to be accepted by others. And, at some point, we have lied to mask our own truth.

We live in an age where at every turn we are inundated with falsehoods and deceitful information. Take social media for example. Instagram and Facebook feeds are pervaded with exaggerations and grandiose facades. These depictions aren’t truths, they are blatant misrepresentations. Yet, we willingly revel in and eat up the deceptions.

These examples get me thinking- does truth hold relevance and value against even the most elaborate lie?

Well, call me an optimist, but I’d like to think that truth holds value above all. Being truthful not only allows us to live a life of authenticity but can also help us live longer.


Research shows that telling the truth is not only good for our mental health but benefits our physical health as well. In a study by Anita E. Kelly, Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of Notre Dame, participants were separated into two groups: the no-lie group and the control group. The no-lie group was asked to abstain from telling major and minor lies for ten weeks. At the conclusion of the study, Kelly found that the health of the no-lie group was significantly stronger than that of their counterparts.


Now, if the health implications aren’t enough of a reason, here are five additional reasons why the truth prevails:

  1. Living life authentically allows you to get to know who you really are. In a society where we are expected to abide by and adhere to the rules of what we are supposed to be – it is the ultimate freedom.

  2. Lies can only be sustained for so long. You never have to worry about being “discovered” or have the continuous pressure of keeping up a façade. You are who you are – and your enough.

  3. You become a beacon for others who respect and value the truth. And those that don’t, oh well. You don’t want them in your orbit anyway.

  4. You set an example for others who struggle to live truthfully, and that is not for the faint of heart. Living your truth requires strength, courage, vulnerability, and confidence –qualities that we all strive for, yet struggle to attain. However, living truthfully is a great start.

  5. And finally, the truth is a conduit for love, respect, and empowerment. Living honestly enables you to fully love yourself and others with ease, earns respect from those you honor and cherish, and empowers us to cultivate a deeper relationship with yourself and others.


Embarking on living a life of truth does not happen overnight. It is a journey that requires the unraveling of lifelong conditioning, real commitment, and inner strength.

Will you receive negative responses from those around you for being truthful? Absolutely. Should that deter you from speaking and living your truth? Hell no.

Article originally posted HERE



I had a bit of a revelation in the last month, and it was not one that I was happy to reveal. I have – and kind of still am – in a personal rut. It took me a while to realize that this is precisely what I have been experiencing because I am a pragmatist. I know that life isn’t always sunflowers and whipped cream. I know it can be difficult, and just the task of staying afloat in its ebb and flow can become daunting, therefore causing it to lose its flavor. However, the feelings that have recently taken over me are distinctively something more.


Though it’s not uncommon for us to inadvertently get caught up in the tedium of everyday life, it is essential to our well being that we recognize the signs of being in a rut and make some changes quickly before too much time escapes us. So, if any of these apply to you, sorry to say, you may be experiencing a rut as well.

  • Accomplishing tasks, but with noticeably less excitement and vigor.

  • Feeling lackluster when doing things that used to evoke happiness.

  • Experiencing ennui in your day-to-day.

  • Creatively stagnant and uninspired.


If they do, don’t fret. You’re not alone, and there is hope. Humankind is acutely aware of these feelings, and some things have been proven to pick you up and out of a rut. Here are a few:

  1. Harness the power of the opposite. If you have been doing the same thing, in the same way, over a prolonged period of time, it is probably time to switch it up. All you have to do is do the opposite – it’s really that easy. Run instead of walk. If you eat late at night, eat earlier in the day. If you find yourself on your phone mindlessly scrolling at all hours of the night, then stop.

  2. Lighten up. Not everything is within your control, and sometimes – as tricky as it may be – just has to be accepted. Once you have experienced the ease of alleviation, you’ll definitely reconsider taking the reins every time.

  3. Say yes. This may be the only way to truly get out of your comfort zone. Being open to new experiences and not shutting them down, just may be what you need to shake it up.

  4. Follow your gut. We often underestimate the power of our instinct. It the most innate ability we have as humans, yet we have been taught to question it, and more often, ignore it. But going against our instinct is probably a factor as to why you are in this rut in the first place, so its time to start listening.

Article originally posted HERE


My female friends would attest that I am an advocate for self-care. I am a cheerleader, shouting affirmations like, get that massage! Take that class! Book that flight! I’m all about encouraging others to do things that instinctively make them feel good and contribute to a positive state of well-being. We all deserve that, right?


The idea of self-care is not new. Originally promoted by medical professionals as a means to inspire healthy behavior, the philosophy of self-care was explored and perpetuated by feminists and philosophers, including the renowned French philosopher Michel Foucault, who believed that care of self leads to ultimate freedom. After the 2016 election, the term experienced a robust renaissance (I wonder why?) and proliferated on social media. And as with most things, the gaining popularity opened the marketing floodgates. Google the term “self-care” and you will get over 1.19 billion hits. It’s no surprise that the self-care business is BIG, but is the constant barrage of comprehensive lists, tips, activities, products, diets, and beauty routines in the name of self-care really necessary? Search #selfcare on Instagram and images of impeccable manicures, cake, and bathtubs filled with fruit and rose petals are generated. 

How is cake justified as self-care?


With the resurgence of society’s obsession and over marketing of the self-care lifestyle, the essence of the practice has been diluted and the purpose submerged beneath the promotion of various products and services. What may be endorsed as self-care are really just ostensible activities that provide a superficial and often temporary state of well-being and neglect to really delve deep into what the true meaning of self-care really is.


Real self-care is done on a consistent basis and should not be limited to a biweekly mani/pedi or scheduled massage. But rather, time set aside every day to check in with our mind, heart and gut and bestow some love on ourselves. It is crucial to our physical and mental health that we are consistently aware of our feelings and emotions; recognizing what we are grateful for and what are we lacking; conscious of what we need and what can we give; identifying our thought and behavior patterns; and acknowledging what puts us at ease and what distresses us. We need time to get to know ourselves. Because really being aware of who we are as individuals, lends to the strength of our relationships and how we interact with others.


We all hold purpose in this world and abide by and adhere to the responsibilities of our various roles, whether they fall within the realm of partner, parent, professional, or offspring. Nonetheless, it can get damn exhausting, which is why we need to show up, touch base and allow ourselves a chance to recharge and replenish the energy that we emit on a regular basis.

Article originally posted HERE

A Foodie’s Dream : LA Times Foodbowl’s Night Market

As part of the second annual Los Angeles Times Food Bowl, a month-long food extravaganza, the Night Market showcased some of Los Angeles’ most popular restaurants, food trucks, bars and pop-ups. Attendees got the chance to experience LA’s renowned and eclectic food scene. 

With over 50 vendors offering a wide variety of food items from pizza to pupusas and uni to oysters, there was a little something for everyone.

Ranked one of the top vendors at Smorgasburg, a weekly food market in Downtown LA, Lobsterdamus was crackin’ with their picture-perfect dish, the Lobster Nest – a perfectly open flame grilled, butter and garlic marinated whole or half lobster laid on a bed of yaki soba noodles seasoned with soy, sesame, lemon, roasted garlic, and Parmesan cheese. This dish had me going back for seconds!


Cheezus, another Smorgasburg fave, featured their Insta-worthy raclette, a traditional Swiss dish that includes a sensual scrape of perfectly melted raclette cheese on top of roasted potatoes, pickled vegetables, garlic sea salt and black pepper. If you aren’t part of this raclette revival…you’re missing out!

Now, you can’t have a Los Angeles food market without traditional Latin fare. Delmy’s Pupusas offered guests a Central American staple, a handmade corn tortilla stuffed with chicken or steak and served with salsa, cilantro and onions. But, it’s not complete unless you have a side of black beans and dollop of crema.

For the adventurous foodie and seafood lover, Broad Street Oyster Co. served fresh (and yes, still alive) Santa Barbara Uni (sea urchin) and sweet, freshly shucked Dutch Island, Rhode Island oysters on a bed of sea salt.


The LA Food Bowl Night Market concluded on Monday, May 20, but events are still scheduled throughout the end of the month. To check out a calendar of events, visit

Article originally posted HERE

The ‘Julia Child of Mexico’ Holds Court at LA Times Foodbowl Event

Chef and author, Diana Kennedy, is one of the leading authorities on Mexican cuisine, and she won’t let you forget it.

She has been described as the “Julia Child of Mexico” and an “ethno-gastronomer”, and at 95 years young, Kennedy is still as fervent and sentimental as ever when discussing her love of Mexico and its native fare. 

On Saturday, May 5, at the historic Million Dollar Theatre in Los Angeles, Kennedy took the stage to reflect on her life and path to becoming a renowned expert on the history and art of Mexican cooking, authoring nine cookbooks on the subject and being honored with an Order of the Aztec Eagle by the Mexican government for advocating on behalf of the cuisine and tourism of Mexico. 


Passion ran high among panel participants which included, Latin chefs and restaurateurs Bricia Lopez of Guelaguetza; Carlos Salgado of Taco Maria and Gabriela Càmara of Contramar and Cala, when the discussion turned to sustainability, economics and food politics. Kennedy stressed the importance of honoring Mexico’s traditional cuisine and preserving its abundance of natural resources for future generations.

As of 2010, Los Angeles is home to over 2.5 million residents of Mexican heritage. However, Mexican culture and cuisine has been woven into the fabric of Los Angeles since its founding over two centuries ago and now second and third generation Mexican American chefs are continuing to honor the cuisine and traditions of their lineage.

The Los Angeles Times Food Bowl pays tribute to the diversity that the city has to offer by hosting a month-long series of events throughout the month of May.

To check out the schedule of Los Angeles Times Food Bowl events visit

Article originally posted HERE

You Don’t Have to be a “Hardcore” Vegan to enjoy the Vegan Street Fair

For the carnivores out there, the term may incite images of bland, weirdly textured food items made from pulverized vegetables and nuts. But for the staunch herbivores or adventurous omnivores, we know that menu options have vastly expanded (beyond just tofu) and that some of the most beloved animal protein based dishes have been “veganized” and taste so close to the original recipe you find yourself asking “Are you SURE there is no meat in this?” 

Established for vegans and non-vegans alike, the Vegan Street Fair has something for everyone and is a great opportunity to venture out and experience all things vegan in your city! The fair brings together local vegan and vegan-friendly restaurants, vendors, and products in one place. Guests are able to sample a plethora of food options, either in full or bite-size portions, as well as a variety of vegan-friendly products.

Ceviche de Palmitas

Ceviche de Palmitas

The first fair to kick off the series took place in Los Angeles on March 25th and featured over 200 vendors from the Los Angeles and Orange County areas. Though it was virtually impossible to eat my way through the entire event (but not without the lack of trying), I was able to experience some amazing plant-based dishes! 

Food Art by Lauren’s beautifully plated “Popcorn Chik-In” is made with tender cauliflower florets breaded and fried to a golden brown served with a tangy buffalo sauce. The savory Mac and Cheese bites from the Word of Mouth food truck was fried to crunchy perfection and served with a delicious cashew ranch. The mouthwatering shitake dumplings from Bling Bling Dumplings were so tasty and tender, that I went back for seconds.  And, Todo Verde’s fresh and vibrantly flavored Ceviche de Palmitas, a vegan twist on traditional seafood ceviche, was made with hearts of palm, tomato, avocado, cucumber, cilantro, and lime juice. The vegan dessert options were plentiful as well. My favorite, and my toddler concurs, was the gluten free Karma Cakes from Karma Baker. It looks like the Hostess Cupcake you ate as a kid, but a lot healthier and without sacrificing the taste!

Author’s son Jackson with ‘Karma Cake’

Author’s son Jackson with ‘Karma Cake’

The Vegan Street Fair will be back in Los Angeles for a LA Nights event on September 1 and 2. They will also host events in New York, San Diego, Las Vegas and Seattle. Visit for more information.

Article originally posted HERE

Holiday Thrills At CHILL : Queen Mary Holiday Christmas Wonderland

A cultural Christmas winter wonderland has taken over the grounds of the World-Famous Queen Mary this holiday season, offering an entertaining array of wintertime activities, international cuisine and live entertainment for the entire family to enjoy.

Inspired by the largest ice adventure park in the world, CHILL is the only one in the United States and features international holiday-inspired activities from six countries and over 38,000 square feet of ice and lights galore. Guests can explore the park on ice skates by gliding through 1,200 feet of ice thoroughfares that zigzag throughout the event or by foot.


There are various exciting rides and attractions for adults and kids to enjoy including the Shanghai Speedway in China, where families can take to the ice on big wheels and race to the finish line; saddle up on the world’s largest rocking horse in Germany; and take a whirlwind ride on the illuminated Amsterdam bumper boats in Holland. For the more adventurous members of the family, there are a couple daring options such as speeding down Matterhorn Mountain, the two-story 145-foot ice slide and gliding 34 feet above the event on the 300-foot-long zip line.

Author’s Three-year-old son, Jackson.

Author’s Three-year-old son, Jackson.

The little ones can also partake in the merriments with a variety of exciting interactive activities such as creating their own stockings with help from Santa’s elves; gingerbread house making with Ginny Gingerbread, and meeting Santa himself at Claus Cabin!

For the foodie family, The Taste of CHILL passport offers an international mélange of seasonal-inspired food and drinks from every region for guests to experience, including savory Chinese dumplings, fresh-from-the-oven German apple strudel with Bavarian cream, and indulgent Dutch doughnuts and pancakes – a breakfast for dinner treat!

Other happenings also include a nightly tree lighting ceremony and spectacular light display, live entertainment and a fantastic firework show every Sunday night.

This event offers a fun and fulfilling experience for every member of the family and is the perfect holiday celebration for guests of all ages! 

CHILL is open daily from 4:30 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. from December 13th to January 7th at the ‘World-Famous Queen Mary’ in Long Beach, California. Buy tickets here.

Article originally posted HERE