You’re Not Who You Think You Are—and That’s Ok.

Your Inner Critic is Standing Between You and Your Life.

Are you familiar with your “inner roommate?”  You know, the dweller inside your head who always has something to say, provides an overwhelming amount of unsolicited advice, and somehow wields enough power to dictate your feelings, emotions, and actions; otherwise known as the “inner critic.” For those of us aware of our relentless antagonist, we are intimately familiar with the struggle, often questioning if this inner voice is representative of who we really are—our “true” self.


I’ve spent much of my adult life trying to understand my inner critic. Why is she there? Why is she so critical and judgemental? Why does she always think of the worst possible scenarios?

And through all the work, I have realized that she is not me, I am me, and I give her power.

As renowned spiritual teacher and best-selling author, Michael Singer, states in his book The Unteathered SoulThe Journey Beyond Yourself:

There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind – you are the one who hears it.

A mentor of mine asked me to start looking at my inner critic as a rebellious child that passes judgment out of fear, not rationality. And, like a child, needs to be reparented, which is the practice of giving yourself the discipline, attention and care you lacked in childhood. This shift in my perception and looking at my inner critic as a child desperately in need of direction has allowed me to regain control. When my inner critic starts getting out of hand, I simply think of it as a child acting out of turn and respond to it with a loving, but firm tone. This gives me the ability to not bend to the whims of tantrums, which is how I perceive the outbursts of my inner critic.


Controlling our inner critic and creating an inner dialogue of compassion and support is key to experiencing a different level of freedom in our lives. Just think about the possibilities if we moved through the fear our inner critic has instilled to take a chance on that passion project, writing that book, taking that trip, reaching out to that person, or whatever has been put on the shelf because our inner critic said so. Imagine the joy we’d feel!

Now, I want to be realistic. Regaining control of our inner critic is hard work and requires that thing that is so hard to attain and maintain: discipline. But, once in practice, it has the power to change lives. Yes it’s a challenge, but weighing that against a lifetime of facing barriers between me and the life I want? That’s a challenge I’m willing to take on.

As Michael Singer says, “…there are two ways you can live: you can devote your life to staying in your comfort zone, or you can work on your freedom.”

I choose freedom and I hope you do, too.


Article originally posted Here

It’s Not Too Late! Night of Lights OC Brightens Up the Holiday Season.

This year, getting into the holiday spirit may be a bit of a struggle. We miss our friends, family, and celebrating the holiday traditions that bring us all together. But even though these traditions are on hold at the moment, you can find the yuletide spirit at the Night of Lights OC, a drive-thru holiday light show at the Orange County Fair & Events Center.

My family attended, and the 40-minutes of family-friendly socially distanced fun gave us a good dose of that good ol’ holiday cheer!

Upon arrival, our vehicle was ushered into a lane according to our ticket* and guided by friendly attendants. I highly recommend tuning into the radio station as instructed by the signs you’ll see along the way. The festive Christmas soundtrack of holiday tunes will really put you in the mood—and may even get you singing along!


As we entered Toyland Carnival—the first of many themed holiday scenes—we were greeted by a lineup of toy soldiers and snow fairies on stilts. It was so festive and colorful that you could almost believe that the 1,000,000 lights featured throughout the event were all displayed here!


As we continued on the mile-long route, we came across a fun snow flurry with an adorable penguin waving us through, snow princesses elegantly waiving at us from elaborate icicle thrones, and Santa greeting us from his holiday adorned platform. Throughout the event, there are other special effects like bubbles and animated light shows, as well as humongous Christmas trees that make you feel as if you were in a scene of the Nutcracker!

For a fun, safe holiday event, I highly recommend attending. Families who may not be able to gather in person for safety reasons may consider caravanning to experience the fun together. The giggles and cheers I heard from the families and children in other cars—as well as my own—are confirmation that this event is kid-approved!

Night of Lights goes on through January 10. And if you’re looking to add a little flavor to your experience, you can preorder in-car holiday food treats like hot cocoa, cinnamon sugar donuts, Mom’s Bake Shoppe cookie buckets, and more before entering the event.

*Entry to the event is through online ticket purchases only at Entrance begins at 5 p.m. with time sessions available until 9:30 p.m. Limited reservations are available. Early Bird general admission starts at $39.99 per vehicle (up to five people) on select nights. Larger vehicle tickets (six to nine people) start at $59.99 on select nights.


Article originally posted HERE

Finding Peace in a Midst of Chaos.

As 2020 continues to test our emotional resilience, finding respite from the loneliness, anxiety, fear, uncertainty, guilt, and grief that overwhelms us on a daily basis may seem impossible. However, taking steps to preserve our sanity is proving to be more important now than ever before.

Our first approach to finding peace in chaos, may be to distract ourselves with a slew of activities— increased time on social media, online shopping, working out at home, baking, etc. And while those seem to do the trick in the short term, they often quickly lose their appeal and we’re left with searching once again. So, what if we took a different approach? Instead of distracting ourselves from the present, what if we immersed ourselves in it?


As defined by the Mayo Clinic, mindfulness is a form of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. While this may seem at first look to be contrary to our end goal—relief—the practice of mindfulness has been proven to provide us with just that.

Popular podcast host and mindfulness and meditation coach, Felipe Muñoz of Empathic Practice, a wellness clinic in Florida, shares some of his tips on how we can elevate ourselves during this stressful and unprecedented time.

  • Mindfulness: Acknowledge what is happening in front of you that you can accept and realize the items that you can change.

  • Perspective of Hope: Ask yourself “Can I change my perspective, my persistence and my patience?”

  • Gratitude: Reflect on what you are grateful for each day.

  • Building resilience – You are your greatest cheerleader and advocate! Remind yourself of your successes of the day. Be open and honest to yourself. Believe in yourself and keep your expectations realistic.

To view some of Felipe’s guided meditation, visit links: Meditation on Moving Through Loneliness and Angst, Anger, Anxiety, and Awakening

As we face a future that is shrouded in uncertainty, our emotional wellbeing should be our first priority. The first step is to equip ourselves with the tools we need to support us in times of upheaval and the benefit isn’t only personal, it also allows us to serve as an example for the others around us.

People who are facing a suicidal crisis or emotional distress can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255. More than 100 local crisis centers are a part of a national network working on this lifeline and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Article originally posted Here

History Proves Women Will Endure—and We Will.

I’d like to start this article with an honest and sincere question: “Ladies, how are you doing?”

As we upon the ninth month of the pandemic in the U.S., I ask this question truly concerned for the mental, emotional and physical well-being of women, who, as studies have shown, are disproportionately affected. If you’re reading this and are fortunate enough to say that you’ve not been directly affected, I kindly say to you, you are not excluded—all women are impacted, one way or another.


Though there are many ways in which times of crisis expose the vast gender inequality and imbalance in our society, here are a few of examples specific to our current situation. According to The Bureau of Labor Statistics, 55% of the 20.5 million workers who became unemployed in April were women, compared to 13% of men. Women make up 70% of the healthcare workforce and are being infected with Covid at higher rates, impacting their health and families. Working women are quitting their jobs to home school children at higher rates compared to men, impacting their income levels and careers well beyond the pandemic. And, the safety of women is at stake due to the rise in domestic violence cases in the U.S. and around the world.


I know, this is very discouraging. As if the challenges we battle on a regular day weren’t enough, a crisis, like this, has a way of handing us even more than we can possibly handle. But, as history has proven time and time again, women are extraordinarily resilient and have an innate power to channel challenge and despair into action and tangible change.

In honor of the three awareness holidays that take place annually in October that are important to me (National Domestic Violence Awareness, Hispanic Heritage Month, and National Book Month) I bring you this list of astounding women who have faced immense challenges and crisis head-on, in hopes that you find some inspiration in their stories, as I have.

• Erin Pizzey – Though she is still largely unknown, Erin holds a key role in the women’s movement. She opened the first women’s shelter, providing women refuge from violent relationships in England in 1971.

• Frida Khalo – Before becoming one of the most famous Latinas in history, Frida’s life is a story of strength, motivation and female ambition. After enduring a grueling accident that nearly took her life and caused her lifelong disability and pain, she continued to blaze the way for women during and beyond her time.

Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo

Ida B. Wells – Born into slavery, Ida became a prominent journalist and activist during her time, shedding light on the plight of African Americans in the South, advocating on behalf of women, and standing up in the face of sexism, racism and violence.

Ida B. Wells

Ida B. Wells

Sylvia Rivera – A Venezuelan, Puerto Rican transgender activist from New York, Sylvia was a leading voice, advocating on behalf of transgender people, drag queens, homeless queer youth, and others who were dismissed by the mainstream gay rights movements.


So, woman to woman, if you’re struggling, you’re not alone. As the women–who I’ve listed here, among countless others–have proven, we have the ability to overcome. Let us find strength and inspiration in their tenacity, as their ability to endure has changed history for the rest of us.

Article originally posted HERE

Struggling to Catch Some Z’s in a Pandemic? You’re not Alone. Here are Some Tips

Getting to sleep can be difficult when we have a lot on our minds. Stress about finances, work, family, and good ol’ anxiety are just a few of the things that keep us up at night. Now, here comes 2020, and you add a global pandemic, grave social injustice, civil unrest and an upcoming contentious presidential election to the mix, you can’t help but wonder “am I ever going to sleep, again?”


The fact that Americans suffer from a lack of sleep is not a new concept and has been documented and researched by health officials for decades. A 2016 study by the CDC revealed that more than a third of adults don’t get enough sleep (at least 7 hours), leading to an increased risk of health conditions like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and mental distress. And, the factors that contribute to our lack of sleep vary from medical disorders to socio-economic status to mental health. The issue is so pervasive among Americans that the CDC has deemed sleep disorders a public health epidemic.


Now, more than ever, the state of our health, physical and mental wellbeing have been spotlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic. And, the unfortunate truth is, we aren’t doing so well.  We, as a society, are in ill physical health, stressed out, overwhelmed, and mentally and emotionally drained. It’s no wonder we can’t sleep soundly. However, if we can manage to prioritize anything amidst all of this uncertainty, sleep should be ranked right up top with the others.

Coined as the “latest casualty of the COVID-19 crisis” in an article in the Harvard Gazette, sleep disorders are understandably on the rise; however, there are measures we can take to help improve our ability to catch some quality Z’s—naturally, without medication.

  • Get in a schedule – Commit to going to bed and waking up at the same time, every day. Getting into this routine not only provides us with structure, but it helps our bodies regulate and align with natural circadian rhythms.

  • Avoid a midday nap – I know, from personal experience, that this is extremely difficult to avoid, but it does help. If you feel drowsy midday and need an immediate burst of energy, take a brisk walk. You’ll quickly feel the benefits and you’ll reserve that sleep for the nighttime hours.

  • Don’t sleep too much – Yes, sleeping too much can have negative effects. The ideal amount is 7 hours, any more than that can keep you in a perpetual state of drowsiness.

  • Turn off those devices – Mindless social media scrolling and television binging tend to suck up hours and negatively impact our sleep quality. Turn off your devices at least an hour before your bedtime—and, even better, two hours before.


Article originally posted HERE

Coping with COVID-19: Your Mental Health Matters.

As we enter the month of May, many holidays we’d normally spend with friends and family may be relegated to, yet another, virtual gathering—or not even celebrated at all. However, there is an observance that we can’t afford to neglect this month: Mental Health Awareness. And, due to the unprecedented situation we’re in, the need is even greater now.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, roughly 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness each year. If those numbers aren’t staggering enough, throw in the uncertainty, fear, and trauma of a global pandemic—and, you’ve got the makings of a greater mental health crisis. According to a recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 45 percent of Americans feel that Coronavirus has negatively impacted their mental health. And, as the developments around COVID-19 continue to evolve, it is very likely that this percentage will continue to grow.


How to care for your mental health

There are many actions you can take to support your mental and emotional well-being; however, the first step is recognizing that everyone has different coping mechanisms—some negative and positive. Don’t constantly compare yourself to others who you may think have it all together. The goal for our own mental stability is to figure out what positive mechanisms suit us best—and, we should aim to do them often. It may be something such as picking up the phone to give an elderly neighbor a call to check in;  volunteering in your community; binge-watching your favorite show; relaxing and sleeping in; or, organizing that space, closet, or cupboard that you’ve been putting off for too long. Whatever it may be, it’s important that we practice behaviors that make us authentically feel good in a safe and secure way. And, another thing, it’s ok to turn off the news and put down social media from time to time. Overconsumption of a barrage of news can take a negative toll on our psychological and emotional health and we need to take caution in that.


Your mental health matters

Coronavirus and all its implications have upended our lives while putting overwhelming pressure on our ability to be nimble and adapt to new norms. And, our normal response to this type of situation—like any other natural or human-caused disaster—is anxiety and stress. We all experience these emotions to varying degrees; however, it’s important to understand that we don’t have to deal with it alone. Taking steps to preserve your mental health is critical in getting through this in a healthy emotional state and without long-term, damaging effects. During this time, put yourself first. Take action to care for yourself—your mental health matters.

If you or someone you know is in a crisis, there are resources you can reach out to for support. Visit the National Alliance on Mental Illness website for more information on what’s available in your community.

Article originally posted HERE

Weed over Wine: Top Three Health Trends of 2020.

I have mixed feelings about health trends. They have both the ability to rise to the level of outrageous and bizarre (urotherapy or vaginal sunbathing, anyone?) or introduce something that has the power to change our lives (prioritizing self-care and more sleep!).

As the health and wellness industry continues to grow exponentially, here’s a list of the top three trends we can expect to see in 2020. And, I’m happy to report, I can get on board with these.


Prioritizing Mental Health

After generations of being kept in the dark, the discussion around mental health has FINALLY made its way into the light. In the last decade, prioritizing a positive mental health state has become the primary focus for those on the path to well-being. In a recent NBC article, mental health advocate and reporter Nicole Spector shared her insight into the cultural shift she’s witnessed. “…I’ve seen the advancements up close and personal and can say with certainty that in 2010 I wouldn’t have dreamed of writing pieces like “How to talk about mental health issues at work” or “A mental health check-in: 14 questions to ask your child” for a national news outlet. Such topics just weren’t so, well, topical back then.”


Weed over Wine

If there’s one thing you can say about millennials, it’s that they are quite health conscious and many are opting to stay out of bars and are instead hitting the dispensary for something to take the edge off. As scientific research continues to dissolve the stigma around marijuana, the largest generation in the U.S. is choosing cannabis over alcohol as a means to improve health (no nasty hangovers) and overall quality of life. This shift will ultimately reduce alcohol-related deaths and medical issues, allowing people to function and thrive on higher levels (no pun intended).


Carnivores Go Plant-Based (or, are more willing to try at least)

Look, veganism or vegetarianism isn’t for everyone; however, it’s hard to deny the science behind the fact that consuming processed animal protein can negatively impact our health and environment. But, it looks like they’ve finally found a way to sway the unswayable and get die-hard on board with the meatless Mondays movement. With the recent boom of plant-based alternatives like Beyond Beef and Impossible Foods making their debut on historically meat-dominated fast food menus, those meat-eaters are giving plant-based a try. Who says you need meat to have fun??

Every year, as these wellness trends peak and fizzle, it’s ultimately up to us to decide what works best for our unique mental and physical needs. The rise of the wellness movement is a testament to the fact that most of us are on a journey to finding the secret to maintain, sustain and support a positive state of well-being–and if that means vaginal sunbathing for you–then go on, girl. You do you!

Article originally posted HERE

The Girls Club

The link between cannabis and lady parts is closer than you think.

There are many reasons I love being a woman. We are powerful—often immeasurably so. We are passionate. We are nurturers. We are a force to be reckoned with. It has taken me more years than I care to admit to realize the true power of being a woman. And now that I know, I embrace it in all its blazing glory. 

Now there are plenty of things I can do. Number one, periods. Number two, cramps—which suck worse than Aunt Flow herself. I could do without the hormone imbalances and, when the time comes, menopause. Not to mention all of the societal stresses. 

What’s a girl to do? Is it our curse to deal with these mental stressors and physical discomforts, or is there something out there designed to assist and relieve us of our ailments? Well, for the perfect remedy, leave it to the mother of all mothers, the woman in charge, the matriarch of us all: Lady Cannabis. 

The benefits of cannabis to our emotional and physical health are astounding. Cannabis has been used to relieve menstrual pain for centuries and has even been shown to alleviate PMS symptoms. According to an article by Melinda Misuraca in the Emerald Report, cannabis use can be found in ancient texts from China, Egypt, Persia, Israel/Palestine, and Syria for cramps, bloating, and abnormally heavy or nonexistent bleeding, as well as menopausal symptoms, urinary tract infections, and uterine hemorrhage after childbirth. 

Misuraca goes on to state that the US Pharmacopoeia and US National Formulary recognized the benefits of cannabis from the mid-1800s until the 1940s. It was even recognized by the renowned Journal of American Medical Association as “one of the most valuable and satisfactory drugs” for just about every female reproductive condition. 

Now, let’s talk about mental health. It’s no secret that women experience higher levels of anxiety and mental stress compared with our male cohorts (insert patriarchal-driven social narrative here), and Mary Jane offers relief for these conditions, too. According to a World Health Organization re- port, cannabidiol (CBD) may provide therapeutic benefits for numerous maladies, including those which are more prone to women: cardiovascular disease, depression, anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. 

Menopause? Check. Anxiety? Check. Menstrual cramps? Check. Hormone imbalances? Check. 

As research surrounding the many, many medicinal properties continues to surge, it’s hard not to think that cannabis was made exclusively for women—thank you, Mother Nature. 

So, if the connection between cannabis and gynecological health is so intimately intertwined, what about reproduction? Well, developing science around this issue is on the rise. Though the research is quite scarce for many reasons, whether related to ethics or stigma, science is now beginning to scratch the surface of how cannabinoids in the plant interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in our bodies. The human body produces cannabinoid substances that mirror what is derived from the plant, and they play a vital role in dictating the bodily functions within virtually every mammal, including the female reproductive process. 

In an article for Medical Marijuana, Inc., Eve Ripley states: “The ECS regulates these various functions through sub- stances called endocannabinoids, which bind to cannabinoid receptors in the brain and throughout the peripheral nervous system and immune systems—sometimes, however, the ECS can become deficient in endocannabinoids. This can cause endocannabinoid system dysregulation, leading to an imbalance in the body and eventually health issues.” Studies also reveal that a healthy, well-functioning ECS system may help suppress mood swings and depression. 

There are a growing number of women who are opting to use THC and CBD products, such as bath bombs, tinctures, and topicals, to relieve the pain of child birthing over pharmaceuticals. And to take it a step further, some women are using it as a natural alternative to the drug Pitocin, which accelerates labor and often leads to C-Sections. 

In the article “10 Surprising Facts about Cannabis and Pregnancy” published by trusted resource Green Flower Media, author Anna Wilcox writes: “Several cultures around the world still use cannabis and hemp products during pregnancy. While you’ll be hard-pressed to find medical professionals willing to suggest cannabis as a pregnancy remedy, many women still turn to the herb for relief from nausea and vomiting despite a lack of medical research on the topic.” 

As testimonials and scientific research continues to grow and cannabis products diversify, it’s not unreasonable to assume the link between ladies and cannabis will strengthen. I’m convinced that this natural connection transcends mere coincidence. Mother Nature has had our back the whole time. Which, in hindsight, isn’t a stretch. After all, us ladies must stick together. 

Originally posted in Orange County Sensi July 2019 issue and San Diego Sensi July 2019 issue.

Discovering A City Through Its Food: The Long Beach Food Festival.

How do you experience the true essence of a city? Is it through the nightlife? The activities? The people? Well, though it’s a sum of all those parts, I can tell you that the best place to start is by experiencing the food that the city has to offer. The food experience transcends just taste and matters of the palate; the experience itself facilitates an enlightening exchange between you and the identity; social and economic dynamics; and communities of the city.


Long Beach, California (LBC) is the seventh largest city in California and according to a recent study, is ranked the 10th most diverse city in America. This diversity gives Long Beach a unique vibe unparalleled by its Los Angeles or Orange County neighbors. In particular, cultural influences have a significant impact on the burgeoning food scene.

To showcase the beauty of the cultural and culinary influences of the LBC food scene, the local organization Long Beach Fresh has developed the first-ever Foodways Summit in the city. From June 1 through the 7th attendees can purchase tickets to a series of food events hosted by locals ranging from neighborhood farms to hidden gardens, famous chefs to food equity. The events series consist of talks, tastes, and tours of good food practices and topics range from reducing food waste and chef culture to urban gardening. 


The summit kicked off with the first event: an exploration of the plant-based food revolution in the Afrocentric community hosted at the lovely Organic Harvest Garden farm in North Long Beach, a true oasis in the city. Attendees enjoyed tastes from a plant-based buffet with offerings from a variety of local chefs.

Num Kom, traditional Cambodian coconut and rice dessert

Num Kom, traditional Cambodian coconut and rice dessert

The second event was a walking tour of Cambodiatown. Located at the heart of the city, this community is the largest Cambodian population outside of Cambodia and supports one of the most “vibrant local food systems in Southern California” according to Long Beach Fresh. The array of bustling markets, gardens and farms, community healing centers, and authentic cultural eateries are all run by local residents.

Vegan Food at Nor.

Vegan Food at Nor.

As a native of this city, the Foodways Summit exposed me to the hidden gems I never knew existed in my community: such as the local community gardens and diverse group of chefs that advocate on behalf of good food practices. The most illuminating piece was the education I received about cultural, social, food, and agriculture dynamics that exist within the borders of the city. There is one thing about Long Beach: if you come here with an open mind, you’ll leave here with a fuller heart. 

The Foodways Summit continues through June 7. For more information, visit

The writer’s adorable son Jackson, enjoying the Garden Event.

The writer’s adorable son Jackson, enjoying the Garden Event.

Article originally posted HERE

Women Reconnect with their Canna-Roots

A growing surge of cannabis wellness retreats is focusing on women.

For centuries, women have come together in support of one another to discuss and find solutions for life situations that include intimate and personal issues. Seeking advice and support on topics ranging from fertility and health to emotional and physical healing, we had a sense of community that allowed us to thrive and feel like we had a village. 

Unfortunately, in recent times there has been a shift in the societal narrative that tells us to be wary and untrusting of one another, causing a detrimental wedge among us that negatively impacts our ability to thrive and nurture our well-being. This disconnection not only pertains to each other, but it also relates to a detachment to nature and natural healing practices.

History shows that the connection between women, weed, and wellness dates back over 4,000 years. In a 2017 interview with Vice, Ellen Komp, author of Tokin’ Women: A 4,000 Year Herstory, shares how Queen Victoria used weed to quell the aches and pains of menstruation and how in the third millennium Ishtar, a predominant Siberian goddess, was associated with the cannabis plant.

However, decades upon decades of disconnection have left women depleted and longing for a reconnection—and there is hope! We are on the verge of a shift. The recent surge in the female-driven wellness and self-care movement has reignited women’s natural inclination to unite and engage in restorative healing practices and seek solace from the tedium of our daily lives.

As women continue to pioneer the wellness movement and establish themselves as a driving force in the cannabis industry, the merging of these two female-centric industries is upon us. As a result, there is a rise in women-only cannabis retreats across the United States—and the world.

Given the moniker “cannabliss retreat,” these getaways offer yoga and meditation and provide an atmosphere that encourages women to reconnect with one another and themselves while fitting in a “sesh” at their leisure–no judgment.

In a 2017 article by Erin Magner on Well+Good, Sailene Ossman, co-founder of Ganja Goddess Getaway, stated, “The vision is to offer women a way to connect with their divine feminine and to connect to each other as sisters, and we feel that cannabis is the ideal tool to accomplish both. We’re creating a movement of sisterhood and connection through cannabis.”

This emerging trend, coined feminism wellness by a report published by the Global Wellness Summit in 2018, is only anticipated to grow in the years to come. A Google search for “women’s cannabis retreats” generates roughly 3.2 million results. Add “in California” to that, and you’ll get just over 1 million results. So, ladies, if you’re searching for the perfect female-empowered “trip,” your options are plenty.

As science delves deeper into the cannabis sphere, I find it inevitable that a resurrection of the female connection through cannabis will continue to emerge. The women of today cannot afford to keep on keepin’ on the way we’ve been: overworked, overstressed, overlooked, overprescribed, and overwhelmed. We are left with no choice but to regain control over our own health and well-being and re-establish our connection to other like-minded women.

Article originally posted in Orange County Sensi June 2019 issue as well as San Diego Sensi June 2019 issue.

The LA Food Bowl: Come Hungry.

When the month of May rolls around, foodies from all over descend on the City of Angeles for thirty-one days of culinary brilliance. If you have never experienced the Los Angeles Times Food Bowl, it is something to behold. Food lovers, visionaries and innovators from all areas of the gastronomic industry unite to bring the public an unforgettable food experience – and they do it every year.


Of the month-long schedule of events, one, if not the, most popular event is the Night Market: an outdoor celebration of Los Angeles’ diverse dining scene held over the course of five nights in downtown Los Angeles. Each night features a variety of restaurants serving up their specialty dishes among a backdrop of art installations and music.


This year, I had the pleasure of attending the fourth day of the event: L.A.’s Best Burger. Now, whether you’re a hamburger traditionalist or welcome the culinary interpretations of “America’s favorite dish,” this is the event where you’ll experience a bit of both.


The overall winner of our tasting rendezvous was the Oui burger from Banh Oui restaurant. Served on a Kaiser Roll with a perfectly prepared beef patty, caramelized onion, shredded lettuce, mint, cilantro, white cheddar cheese, pickled Fresno chili, sriracha mayo and chicken liver paté. With this explosion of flavors, it’s no surprise that this chosen as the Judges pick of the event.

Bahn Oui Burger

Bahn Oui Burger

The second runner up on our list, and winner of the people’s pick for L.A.’s best burger, was the HiHo Cheeseburger. As a bit of a traditionalist myself, I am all about the four basic components of my perfect burger: high-quality beef prepared medium rare; a high-quality cheddar cheese; a soft, durable and slightly crispy bun; and mustard. And I must say, this burger exceeded expectations and more. 

But it wouldn’t be an LA event without the food trucks! A variety of trucks lined Broadway and joined other vendors in the general area such as Cheezus LA, Secret Lasagna, and Tacos 1986.


Now, if you haven’t had a chance to make it to any of the exceptional events hosted to date, don’t fret. You’ll be able to get your fill through the end of the month, with the final events taking place on May 31. For a full schedule of events, visit and get your tickets while they are still available. But be sure to come hungry—for both food and culinary enlightenment.

Article originally posted HERE

Mamacitas Blazing the Way

In our first installment of Women, Weed & Wellness: CBD is the answer to reclaiming our health. 

Let me start by being totally honest: My experience with cannabis until the last year has mostly been from my days as a teenager—and that was many moons ago. I have been on a personal wellness journey, which eventually led me to cannabis. I do a lot of research on the natural products that stock our shelves, but it can be a bit overwhelming. I started simply, finding products that were safe for me and my family to use. In no uncertain terms, CBD is where I landed. 

As I write, my house is in the throes of a butt-kicking flu virus—body aches, headaches, and inflammation are just a few of the symptoms. Instead of reaching for the NyQuil to suppress them, I’m turning to CBD. Like many other women I know, I am looking to steer clear of the synthetic pharmaceuticals of yesterday and replace them with natural homeopathic substitutes. CBD is in my arsenal because when my family and I need relief, whether it be for the common cold, the flu, or pain management, CBD is the best recourse. 

Women are establishing a place at the forefront of the booming cannabis industry from a wellness standpoint. The majority of those women are mothers. In a recent article in The Atlantic, Lindsey Hunter Lopez reports that as cannabis becomes more socially acceptable, mothers are turning to the plant’s many derivatives to deal with stress, anxiety, aches, pains, and more. Cannabis marketers have taken notice of the increasing popularity among the mom demographic and are expanding their efforts from what was a predominately male target demo to include women and children. 

As part of that precise demographic, I was initially motivated to research cannabis for its wellness and non-addictive properties. But I have also been inspired to hear from women directly in the business, to find out what drives them to pursue this dynamic and unsteady industry. 

I recently spoke with Katie Hernandez, CEO of the cannabis startup Elevated Greens. As a mother and longtime supporter of the movement, she has developed a line of cannabis products that are beneficial for the whole family, including 100 percent vegan, all-natural baked goods, teas, salves, and oils. Personal experience inspired Hernandez’s jump into the cannabis industry. In a joint statement with co-founder Gloria Memije, Hernandez said, “We have children who cope with eczema and have tried numerous products, prescription and over-the-counter—none of which provided relief. With that being said, we decided to create a product that we were comfortable using on our ourselves and on our families. Thus, we created Elevated Greens.” 

These ladies are among many who are on a mission to raise awareness and reduce stigma around cannabis, particularly among women and the elderly. As this movement is still in its infancy, these women are motivated by three things: passion, ambition, and an opportunity to see each other thrive in the cannabis space. Elevated Greens has hit the ground running, and you’ll find the line at various the women-in-cannabis events around LA, Orange County, and the Inland Empire (updates on Instagram @ELEVATEDGREENS_EST2019). 

As I immerse myself more and more into the cannabis industry, documenting the stories of ambitious women who are driven by passion and a better way of life, I look forward to witnessing—and experiencing—firsthand how women blaze the way in cannabis, especially as it pertains to wellness and overall quality of life. Whether you’re down for the count from the flu or ready to tackle the day, light it up, ladies! A revolution is afoot. 

Originally posted in Sensi May 2019

Three Reasons Why It’s Time to Retreat and Reconnect.

Throughout history, women have come together to support each other in an array of intimate facets of life, ranging from fertility cycles to emotional and physical healing. However, as society grew, we grew apart. The idea of individualism took over and caused a detrimental wedge among us that negatively impacts our ability to thrive and nurture our well-being. And as a result of this disconnection, we are left feeling depleted, overwhelmed and longing for reconnection.


As I write this, I can’t help but reflect on the fact that I am in exactly this state. I cannot remember the last time I was alone with myself and my thoughts. And like most women I know, it is not often that we get – or take- the opportunities to reconnect with ourselves and others, which is why, as I write this, I am simultaneously Googling wellness retreats for women. And, there are so many to choose from.


The recent surge in the female-driven wellness and self-care movement has reignited our natural inclination to unite and engage in restorative, healing practices and seek solace from the monotony of our daily lives. So, if you’ve been on the fence about booking that retreat, here are three reasons why you shouldn’t wait any longer:

  1. We NEED time to rejuvenate – Whether we are parents, professionals, partners, friends, siblings or a combination of all of these, we tend to get overwhelmed with our obligations to others, leaving no time to replenish the energy we give.

  2. We NEED to connect with other women – Sisterhood doesn’t have to be biological. Sisterhood represents a connection we establish with our fellow females. A retreat is a great way to meet and bond with women who are on the same, if not very similar path as you.3

  3. We DESERVE it – We can always find reasons to neglect our self-care. If you have ever said “It’s too expensive,” “I have to take care of (partner, kids, parents, etc.),” “I just don’t have time,” “I’m so busy,” you have put yourself aside for far too long, and a getaway just may be what you need.


As we continue on our journey of self-care, I find it inevitable that a resurrection of the female connection to each other and ourselves will continue to emerge. Women of today cannot afford to keep-on-keeping-on the way we’ve been: overworked, overstressed, overlooked, overprescribed, and overwhelmed. We have no choice but to regain control over our health and well-being and reestablish our connection to other like-minded women.

Article originally posted HERE

Global Street Foods Unite at Mambo International Kitchen.

When you combine some of the best street food dishes from around the globe and a shabby chic farmhouse atmosphere, you get Mambo International Restaurant in Northridge, California. The menu is a collection of Filipino, Mediterranean, Korean and Indian favorites: Deep fried Lumpia, Tapsilog, Chicken Tikka Masala, and Falafel, just to name a few.


If you aren’t familiar with the neighborhood, the restaurant can be a little hard to find. It is located on the corner of a busy intersection in an elaborate building that looks to have been transplanted from a Swedish village and stands out among the surrounding fast food joints and strip malls. But once you’ve found it, you’ll be sure not to forget it.


Upon entering Mambo, you are greeted with a warm and welcoming ambiance. The décor is colorful, without being too overbearing and has just the right amount of ‘Instagrammable’ vibes, without being obnoxious. Being first-timers, the ordering process was a bit confusing. With such a robust menu, that offers premade dishes as well as ‘build your own’ bowls, it can be tough to decide where to start. But, with a little help, we were soon able to figure it out.


Mambo’s specialty is Filipino cuisine, so we kicked off our international feast with a couple traditional Filipino favorites: Tapsilog, a popular breakfast dish which consists of thinly sliced pieces of cured, seasoned beef, garlic rice topped with a sunny side up egg; and Pork Adobo, which included braised pork with a salted egg salsa and finished off with fried garlic pieces. For the next round, we opted for an array of globally inspired tacos: beef bulgogi topped with Asian pickles (Korea); chicken tikka masala with cilantro (India); and a Vietnamese inspired taco with sweet pork, hoisin, chicharron and Asian pickles. We concluded our lunch with a couple of Mediterranean staple dishes: Falafel and what is on the menu as ‘Vito’s Pita Wrap’ which is a spiced beef kabob wrapped in a warm soft pita topped with tomato, onion, lettuce and white sauce.


Now, someone who visits Mambo for the first time may be overwhelmed, and somewhat confused, by the diverse menu selections – as I was too at first. As a lover of all of the cuisines featured on the menu, I was slightly wary about how well each dish would compare to their ‘authentic’ counterpart. After each introduction to Mambo’s interpretation of some of my favorite dishes, I was pleasantly surprised. The flavor profiles were consistent and the quality of ingredients and presentation was on point. 

See, what makes Mambo unique is that the chef prepares the food that he genuinely loves, and that is obvious with every bite.


Mambo International Kitchen is located at 8300 Tampa Ave, Northridge, CA 91324. They are open from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and until 3 p.m. on Sunday. For more information on the restaurant visit or follow them on Instagram at @mamboresto.

Article originally posted HERE

‘I Love Being A Woman.’

I love being a woman. It has taken me over three decades to understand the power that being a woman epitomizes, but now that I am aware and continue to develop my sense of womanhood, I fully embrace it in all its glory.


Yes, periods and cellulite suck, and it is overwhelming to be expected to adhere and abide by all of the rules, standards, expectations, and roles that are assigned to us by others and society; but there is nothing more divine than being a woman. We are educators, caregivers, communicators, relationship developers, life sources, and liberators. We are mothers, sisters, partners, friends, and pillars of support; we are a force to be reckoned with.


In honor of International Women’s Month, I would like to share the four reasons why we should all be proud to be women. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done on a larger scale to support us in our existence, but to establish personal empowerment and cultivate the state of mind that we are worthy begins with us.

  1. Perseverance – Women throughout history have regularly broke barriers, pushed boundaries, and continued to strive for equality and justice in the face of great adversity. It is because of this determination that progress has been made.

  2. Strength – No strength compares to that of a woman. The power we embody to endure the physical pain of childbirth to the emotional strength we have to overcome suffering, violence, and discrimination and remain a source of strength for those closest to us, now that is strength.

  3. Passion – And I’m not just talking about in the bedroom. Passion has been a characteristic that has been negated by society, when in fact it should be fostered. To be passionate means you have a strong belief in something, and when you have unwavering faith, action follows. As the saying goes, “well-behaved women rarely make history.”

  4. Nurturers – Whether we choose to have children or not, our tendency to nurture is intrinsic. This quality enables us to establish connections on deeper levels, whether it be with nature or others and supports healthy emotional and social development.


There are many more reasons why I love being a woman and these four are just a snapshot. Each one of us embodies what it means to be female in our way, and that is our right. Society doesn’t have the right to dictate our womanhood and men don’t either. It is us that determine what it means to be a woman, and there is no one size fits all. So, in conclusion, I would like to say to all the women, past and present, who have dedicated their lives to our advancement, given their lives to the support of their children and others, and those who have lost their lives because of their womanhood, we honor you today and every day.

Article originally posted HERE.

Pork Takes Center Stage at E!GHT Korean BBQ.

Did you know that pork is the most consumed meat worldwide? 

When you think of all the various ways in which it can be consumed – from bacon to charcuterie –  it is easy to understand why.


At E!GHT Korean BBQ in Los Angeles, pork is taken so seriously that the name of the restaurant is derived from their specialty: eight different colorful flavors of pork belly, blending a combination of aromatic ingredients aimed at enticing the customer’s appreciation for swine.


We visited E!GHT on a sunny Sunday afternoon. The plaza where it is located was packed for the lunch rush, but we were able to find a spot close to the entrance. Before we even stepped through the restaurant doors, we were allured by the aroma of grilled meat and kimchi wafting into the parking lot. We grabbed a table near the back of the restaurant and eagerly awaited our meal. Sleek and modern, the place has an energetic and comfortable ambiance.


Almost immediately we were brought the banchan, a collection of savory and flavorful side dishes served in Korean cuisine and a bowl of kimchi noodle stew that was set upon an open flame to cook at our table. We knew going in that this was going to be a fulfilling meal, so my husband and I opted to skip out on breakfast and arrived very hungry. Needless to say, the banchan didn’t last very long.


To experience a diverse selection of their pork and beef, we ordered combo C, which included Prime Beef Brisket, Thinly Sliced Pork Belly, Pork Jowl, Flower Pork Belly, and Marinated Galbi Bulgogi. Our server placed the first two items on the grill and we were instructed to wait until he let us know when the food was ready. Unfortunately, the thinly sliced meat was left longer on the grill than needed causing it to overcook and diminish the flavors. But, nonetheless, we were anxious to try the next round. As expected, the pork jowl and flower pork belly did not disappoint – delicious and rich, the pork was grilled to perfection. We ended our meal with the garlic and soy marinated bulgogi and mushrooms and kimchi stew, riding out on a wave of robust flavors.


E!GHT is the place to be if you are looking for a fun, delicious and immersive food experience to share with friends; but be prepared and come hungry, because you can very quickly consume your weight in meat! 

E!GHT Korean BBQ is located in Los Angeles and Buena Park, California. They are open Sunday through Thursday from 11:30 am to 11:00 pm, and until 1:00 am Friday through Saturday. For more information or to book a reservation visit

Article originally posted HERE

Are You A Confident Person? Tips to Build Self-Confidence.

If someone were to ask if you considered yourself a confident person, what would you say? The majority of us would probably respond with a yes, because responding with a no, would reveal a vulnerability that we’d rather keep to ourselves. But, do we really understand what it means to have true self-confidence?


It is common to think of self-confidence in terms of specific personality traits such as charisma, assertiveness, and extrovert tendencies. However, confidence is not a trait at all; instead, it is something that is cultivated and developed over time through experience and failures. 

The definition of self-confidence is trusting our abilities, qualities, and judgment, which means that we feel worthy, willing, and capable regardless of how challenging a situation might be. These feelings, in turn, enable us to nurture our authenticity and adaptability – which are the hallmarks of confidence. 


So, how do we cultivate confidence? 

According to renowned High-Performance coach and New York Times best-selling author, Brendon Burchard, five human drives lead us towards confidence:

  1. 1. Exercising control over our thought processes, habits and behavior: This control encourages our engagement in positive actions, which lead to a positive state of mind.

  1. 2. Fostering competence: It is critical for us to consistently educate ourselves and hone our skills to function successfully and efficiently.

  1. 3. Maintaining congruence: Living in alignment with our ideal self and who we present to the world alleviates anxiety and reinforces the value that we hold for ourselves. Authenticity is a critical component of self-confidence.

  1. 4. Caring for ourselves and others: Self-care plays a crucial role in leading a healthy and bountiful life. It is essential to our well-being that we prioritize our needs, which allow us to reinvigorate our energy and be more receptive to the needs of others.

  1. 5. Establishing a positive connection: As humans, having positive connectivity to others is a vital component of our ability to thrive and grow as individuals. Surround yourself with others that inspire and motivate you to be your best self.


Embarking on the journey to build self-confidence, is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires us to connect with the most sensitive parts of ourselves, which we have been conditioned to keep highly guarded. But, as I have experienced through my journey, this awareness and connection has allowed me to be more honest and compassionate with myself. I have come to understand that we can figure things out, and that vulnerability is not a weakness, but a strength. Always remember, you got this!

Article originally posted HERE

A ‘Killer’ Meal At A Marina Del Rey Hotspot.

For more than twenty years, ‘Killer Shrimp‘ has been an iconic dish in the Marina del Rey community of Los Angeles. The secret recipe, developed by 1970’s rock musician Lee Michaels, pays homage to West Coast surfer culture and has all of the components of a quintessential Southern California dish: something from the sea, a little spice, and a touch of rock-and-roll.


The dish, which Michael’s would prepare for his son and friends as they came in from a day of riding the waves, consists of large, plump prawns steeped in a rich sauce that is slow cooked for ten hours and seasoned  Michael’s secret spice mix. The dish, aptly dubbed ‘Killer shrimp’, quickly transformed into a celebrity of its own.

From what started as a family recipe, turned into a small restaurant with only one item on the menu – Killer Shrimp. Since then, the restaurant has grown into a 240-seat establishment with a full bar and a waterfront view. The menu still features the signature dish, but has evolved to include a diverse selection of fresh seafood items, steak, salads, desserts, and crafted cocktails.


My family visited the restaurant on a gorgeous Saturday afternoon. Upon arrival, we were greeted by friendly staff and seated inside near a big glass window which allowed us to enjoy the waterfront view.


We started the meal off with the Scallop Sashimi appetizer. Each scallop was slightly seared, swimming in melted butter and served with roasted, skinned cherry tomatoes. My little one couldn’t keep his hands off this dish.



Next up were the main courses. With so many delicious options to choose from, we all opted to try what they are known best for – seafood of course! The Lobster Roll was as delightful to eat as it was to look at. The sweet lobster salad was placed on a warm roll, served with a handful of crispy sweet potato fries and coleslaw, providing a nice combination of sweet and savory.


The Killer Paella, which is one of their best-selling dishes and understandably so, included many of the ingredients of the traditional version of the dish: saffron rice, andouille sausage, chicken, clams, mussels, calamari, and shrimp. But, like all things ‘Killer’, this paella has the signature kick of their blend of herbs and spices.


We were pleased to see that the kid’s menu featured a variety of dishes, including options for the more adventurous eaters like my own.  The fried shrimp – dusted in Killer’s spice blend that was toned down for the younger palates, but didn’t skimp on flavor – is served on a skewer, and my toddler had fun devouring it.

The final dish arrived at the table amidst much anticipation. The waiter brought a basket of warm, soft French bread along with a piping hot bowl of the ‘Killer Shrimp.’ Now, since the original, there are different varieties to choose from: “pasta,” “shelled,” and “rice,” but we elected to go for the one that started it all. This version only includes two ingredients: the spicy, herbaceous sauce, which is actually more like a rich broth, and a few large prawns. But, in the midst of the euphoria, don’t forget to dip that French bread! After the first bite, you immediately understand why this dish is as popular as it is. And after you’re done, you’re already anticipating the next time you get to experience it. 


Killer Shrimp also includes a full bar and a ‘Killer’ craft cocktail menu. Stop by for happy hour and have one of their signature drinks, such as the ‘Pieces of Eight,’ which is a revamp of the traditional tiki drink of the 1960s that originated in Marina del Rey.


The restaurant is open daily from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. and located at 4211 Admiralty Way in Marina del Rey, CA. The 5,000-square foot restaurant includes a full-service catering department and 275-person event space with a harbor view available for rental. To make reservations or inquire about an event email or call 310-578-2293.

Article originally posted HERE

Ditch Those Resolutions! (And Set Intentions Instead.)


2019 is here. And, though it arrived in a whirlwind, I am glad it has finally come.

For some, myself included, the transition to a new year signifies a time of renewal; a chance to shed the proverbial skin of the previous year’s self. It serves as a time for reflection when we honor our accomplishments, confront personal vices, and recognize mistakes.  Overall, the new year gives us consent to make a significant change. 

We have been conditioned to believe that each new year should be welcomed with a laundry list of goals, and very high expectations, that will ultimately lead to living our ideal lives and achieving our perfect self. 


You might recognize the pattern. It goes:

1.    Set astronomical personal goals

2.    Execute them for a short period

3.    Lose momentum after goals are failed to be met

4.    Fall back into old patterns

5.    Drown in guilt, and resume negative thought patterns

6.    Repeat cycle the following year

Sound familiar?


Now, there are those that are successful at accomplishing their resolutions, and for that, deserve an applause for their achievements; however, that does not represent the majority of us. What I have learned throughout my own pattern of setting and failing numerous resolutions, is that we immediately set ourselves up for failure when we assign our personal value to the high expectations we hold ourselves to; when we base our worth on how many goals we can check off our list. That is where we do ourselves a disservice.


Which is why setting intentions, rather than resolutions, leads to greater fulfillment and success. The world-renowned pioneer of integrative medicine and personal transformation, Deepak Chopra, states that an “intention is the starting point of every dream. It is the creative power that fulfills all of our needs, whether for money, relationships, spiritual awakening, or love.”

Here are three reasons why 2019 should be the year you should ditch resolutions and start setting intentions. Or, if you must, make a resolution to stop making resolutions, and begin setting intentions instead.


1.    Our intentions are a reflection of our true authentic self, versus resolutions, which often mirror the superficial version of self. An example would be instead of aiming to lose 20 pounds, set the intention to be more mindful of the food you eat and show yourself kindness by making better food choices. 

2.    Author, and intention setting guru, Chandresh Bhardwaj, states that “setting an intention is like drawing a map of where you wish to go — it becomes the driving force of your higher consciousness. Without an intention, there is no map, and you’re just driving down a road with no destination in mind.” Who doesn’t need direction?

3.    Setting intentions gives you the chance to take a closer look at the things that motivate you, and what aspects of your life are most important. Realizing our true motivators, aid us in deciding what we really aim to achieve, versus what society tells us we need to achieve, to be deemed successful.

So, make this year, a year of abundance, happiness and ultimate fulfillment. And, in the words of the amazing Oprah Winfrey, “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.”

Article originally posted HERE.

Live Your Truth: Five Reasons Why the Truth Prevails.


We have all lied.

Studies show that Americans average around 11 lies per week. And, if you read this and say you don’t, well, that is a lie.

Now let’s be honest. We have all lied for different reasons. We have lied to save ourselves from the consequences of our actions. We have lied to those close to us for the sake of preserving their feelings. We have lied to be accepted by others. And, at some point, we have lied to mask our own truth.

We live in an age where at every turn we are inundated with falsehoods and deceitful information. Take social media for example. Instagram and Facebook feeds are pervaded with exaggerations and grandiose facades. These depictions aren’t truths, they are blatant misrepresentations. Yet, we willingly revel in and eat up the deceptions.

These examples get me thinking- does truth hold relevance and value against even the most elaborate lie?

Well, call me an optimist, but I’d like to think that truth holds value above all. Being truthful not only allows us to live a life of authenticity but can also help us live longer.


Research shows that telling the truth is not only good for our mental health but benefits our physical health as well. In a study by Anita E. Kelly, Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of Notre Dame, participants were separated into two groups: the no-lie group and the control group. The no-lie group was asked to abstain from telling major and minor lies for ten weeks. At the conclusion of the study, Kelly found that the health of the no-lie group was significantly stronger than that of their counterparts.


Now, if the health implications aren’t enough of a reason, here are five additional reasons why the truth prevails:

  1. Living life authentically allows you to get to know who you really are. In a society where we are expected to abide by and adhere to the rules of what we are supposed to be – it is the ultimate freedom.

  2. Lies can only be sustained for so long. You never have to worry about being “discovered” or have the continuous pressure of keeping up a façade. You are who you are – and your enough.

  3. You become a beacon for others who respect and value the truth. And those that don’t, oh well. You don’t want them in your orbit anyway.

  4. You set an example for others who struggle to live truthfully, and that is not for the faint of heart. Living your truth requires strength, courage, vulnerability, and confidence –qualities that we all strive for, yet struggle to attain. However, living truthfully is a great start.

  5. And finally, the truth is a conduit for love, respect, and empowerment. Living honestly enables you to fully love yourself and others with ease, earns respect from those you honor and cherish, and empowers us to cultivate a deeper relationship with yourself and others.


Embarking on living a life of truth does not happen overnight. It is a journey that requires the unraveling of lifelong conditioning, real commitment, and inner strength.

Will you receive negative responses from those around you for being truthful? Absolutely. Should that deter you from speaking and living your truth? Hell no.

Article originally posted HERE