
You’re Not Who You Think You Are—and That’s Ok.

Your Inner Critic is Standing Between You and Your Life.

Are you familiar with your “inner roommate?”  You know, the dweller inside your head who always has something to say, provides an overwhelming amount of unsolicited advice, and somehow wields enough power to dictate your feelings, emotions, and actions; otherwise known as the “inner critic.” For those of us aware of our relentless antagonist, we are intimately familiar with the struggle, often questioning if this inner voice is representative of who we really are—our “true” self.


I’ve spent much of my adult life trying to understand my inner critic. Why is she there? Why is she so critical and judgemental? Why does she always think of the worst possible scenarios?

And through all the work, I have realized that she is not me, I am me, and I give her power.

As renowned spiritual teacher and best-selling author, Michael Singer, states in his book The Unteathered SoulThe Journey Beyond Yourself:

There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind – you are the one who hears it.

A mentor of mine asked me to start looking at my inner critic as a rebellious child that passes judgment out of fear, not rationality. And, like a child, needs to be reparented, which is the practice of giving yourself the discipline, attention and care you lacked in childhood. This shift in my perception and looking at my inner critic as a child desperately in need of direction has allowed me to regain control. When my inner critic starts getting out of hand, I simply think of it as a child acting out of turn and respond to it with a loving, but firm tone. This gives me the ability to not bend to the whims of tantrums, which is how I perceive the outbursts of my inner critic.


Controlling our inner critic and creating an inner dialogue of compassion and support is key to experiencing a different level of freedom in our lives. Just think about the possibilities if we moved through the fear our inner critic has instilled to take a chance on that passion project, writing that book, taking that trip, reaching out to that person, or whatever has been put on the shelf because our inner critic said so. Imagine the joy we’d feel!

Now, I want to be realistic. Regaining control of our inner critic is hard work and requires that thing that is so hard to attain and maintain: discipline. But, once in practice, it has the power to change lives. Yes it’s a challenge, but weighing that against a lifetime of facing barriers between me and the life I want? That’s a challenge I’m willing to take on.

As Michael Singer says, “…there are two ways you can live: you can devote your life to staying in your comfort zone, or you can work on your freedom.”

I choose freedom and I hope you do, too.


Article originally posted Here

Finding Peace in a Midst of Chaos.

As 2020 continues to test our emotional resilience, finding respite from the loneliness, anxiety, fear, uncertainty, guilt, and grief that overwhelms us on a daily basis may seem impossible. However, taking steps to preserve our sanity is proving to be more important now than ever before.

Our first approach to finding peace in chaos, may be to distract ourselves with a slew of activities— increased time on social media, online shopping, working out at home, baking, etc. And while those seem to do the trick in the short term, they often quickly lose their appeal and we’re left with searching once again. So, what if we took a different approach? Instead of distracting ourselves from the present, what if we immersed ourselves in it?


As defined by the Mayo Clinic, mindfulness is a form of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. While this may seem at first look to be contrary to our end goal—relief—the practice of mindfulness has been proven to provide us with just that.

Popular podcast host and mindfulness and meditation coach, Felipe Muñoz of Empathic Practice, a wellness clinic in Florida, shares some of his tips on how we can elevate ourselves during this stressful and unprecedented time.

  • Mindfulness: Acknowledge what is happening in front of you that you can accept and realize the items that you can change.

  • Perspective of Hope: Ask yourself “Can I change my perspective, my persistence and my patience?”

  • Gratitude: Reflect on what you are grateful for each day.

  • Building resilience – You are your greatest cheerleader and advocate! Remind yourself of your successes of the day. Be open and honest to yourself. Believe in yourself and keep your expectations realistic.

To view some of Felipe’s guided meditation, visit links: Meditation on Moving Through Loneliness and Angst, Anger, Anxiety, and Awakening

As we face a future that is shrouded in uncertainty, our emotional wellbeing should be our first priority. The first step is to equip ourselves with the tools we need to support us in times of upheaval and the benefit isn’t only personal, it also allows us to serve as an example for the others around us.

People who are facing a suicidal crisis or emotional distress can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255. More than 100 local crisis centers are a part of a national network working on this lifeline and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Article originally posted Here